Korianis Hex Fill ProcedureRise by the will of your warlord, creatures. Korianis is one of the regions in my never-finished Sunless Realms RPG. Korianis is a land of feudal 22 October 2023 game stuff
One Roll Varied Treasure HoardGlittering gold, creatures, trinkets and baubles, paid for in blood Luke Gearings Wolves Upon the Coast is a masterpiece that changed the way I 12 September 2023 OSR game stuff generators
Musings on my fascinations of War in RPGsWar came, creatures As I’ve been converting my old gloopy articles onto blot.im I’ve realised a lot of them focus on the mechanics of warfare, but 12 September 2023 musing
Using Clocks for Poisons and DiseasesOur time on this earth is limited, creatures. (How’s that for a greeting?) I’ve been toying around with using clocks to make poisons and diseases a 16 April 2023 game stuff
The hidden stage of prepping a hexcrawlInto the wilderlands of high fantasy, creatures! I don’t think people talk enough about how the of a hexcrawl comes from the freedom to explore a 27 March 2023 OSR useless
The single worst gloopy article I’ve ever read (a summary of my problem with my summary of my problem with Wild Beyond the Witchlight)I’m not very intelligent, creatures. I’m blowing the whistle. I’m calling myself out. This article fucking sucks. Alright, maybe that’s a little 7 September 2022 5th edition bitching useless