Random tables - Deep game worldsHello creatures, Short gloopy on a thing I realised looking at Luke Gearings excellent hex fill procedure. Go read it! It’s short. I consider 7 September 2022 OSR useless

Exploration as a sum of systemsCreatures over the hill and far away, Exploration in old school games is not just a procedure, it’s all the little bits around that procedure as 7 September 2022 theory

Hexfriend ⟨ •‿• ⟩Creatures of six sides or more or less, Just a short post to announce the launch of Hexfriend, which actually happened ages ago. Hexfriend is a 23 July 2022 game stuff tools hexfriend

A Worldwide RPGFrom across the seas of space and time, I arrive, creatures. I’ve been throwing together an RPG, because every shitty RPG blogger needs their own 23 July 2022 game stuff worldwide RPG OSR

the single worst piece of RPG adventure text I’ve ever read (a summary of my problem with Wild Beyond the Witchlight)Note from the future: This article sucks and I don’t endorse the advice section any more. I still agree with the complaints more or less though 19 May 2022 5th edition bitching bad articles

why i hate 5e aka the tragedy of 5th editioncreatures hello i went off about 5th edition and why i dont like it to a friend in discord and my points (though they may be factually incorrect) 4 January 2022 5th edition bitching